Monday, May 24, 2010

Notes on our Metting for 5/19

For anyone who was not able to attend the club meeting on 5/19, the following is a list of topics we discussed:
- The Club Blog: Pretty much no one was aware of the fact that the club even had a blog. We talked about different uses for the blog, with the best just being a place to keep an online account of meeting minutes and to make announcements regarding club activities and/or cancellations.
- SAC Proposal for Fall 2010: We talked about making a more robust proposal to the Student Activities Council in order to cover all food costs, the cost of a possible magazine or chapbook, and the fees related to any speakers who our club would like to hire.
- Forum: We also floated the idea of an online club forum where those members who choose to submit pieces of writing can do so and receive comments and feedback. I will be setting this up this week so that over the summer, in lieu of meetings, we can still have members contribute their work.
- Magazine/book: We mentioned the possible creation of a club magazine or book. It would consist of the collected works of club members. We discussed the possible sale of the publication to help cover any club costs which would not be covered through our SAC proposal.
- Email List: We decided that it would be best to have an active e-mail list going to alert club members of any schedule changes and also to lay out the week's agenda so that members could have some writing prepared for the meeting. I will work with the mentors to get the emails that have been provided by current members. Also you can e-mail me @ Once the club starts up again in the fall, we will be asking for emails during each meeting.
- Club Activities: We also talked about different activities that could be done during club hours such as free writes, writing exercises, workshops, readings, speakers, etc. Nothing has been finalized but we are open to suggestions as always.
- Officer positions: Additionally, the officers for the Fall Session decided that if possible and if it does not affect the status of our club charter, that we would be willing to hold elections again during the first fall meeting in order to allow for more of a consensus.

There may have been a few other items discussed. Honest this was all I could remember. Since our mentors were not present, it was technically an informal meeting and no official business was conducted. At this week's meeting, we will take a vote on the minutes from last week in order to proceed to new business. If you have any additional suggestions, please email me or come to club with your ideas.


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